So Not A Morning Person

For those of you who know me well, you know I’m the farthest thing from a morning person. I despise mornings more than anything in this world. My body, my brain, neither function in the early morning hours. It doesn’t matter how much coffee I have either, nothing helps. In the morning I don’t speak and I can hardly move. You’d think I was pissed at the world and sometimes I’ve had people think I was pissed at them, but that’s never it, I just can’t do mornings.

Waking up before 10am is a feat for me, so you can imagine how difficult I find it to wake up for these 6:30am, 7:30am flights. The cheap airlines always seems to have the absolute worst flight times. It’s like they get the left over times that no other airline wants because they’re so awful.

The reason I’m telling you this is because I am currently sitting on a plane getting ready to take off for Italy and the time is 7:10am. This is the second day in a row that I’ve woken up before sunrise. Now, I know I can’t complain too much because these early mornings are getting me to places all over the world, but it doesn’t make waking up at 4:30am any easier.

It’s at the point where getting more than 6 hours of sleep is abnormal. Usually I run off of about 4 hours of sleep, but I’m the kind of person who needs at least 8 hours to function properly. It’s been a rough two months, well, kinda… Not really. I’ve gotten to travel to three different countries and multiple different cities, so it’s only been rough up to a certain point.

Just to give you an idea of how often I wake up early I’d like to tell you how many alarms before 7am I currently have saved on my phone. Drum roll please! There are alarms for 3:50am, 4am, 4:40am, 5am, 5:15am, 5:50am, 6:15am and 6:45am. The 3:50am alarm was definitely the roughest, leaving me two hours of sleep the night before. Today was the 4:40am alarm and when it went off I thought it was a bad dream. I’ve been walking around like a half asleep zombie and, to make matters worse, I was forced to throw my brand new coffee away before I got on the plane because they wouldn’t allow hot drinks. I think I took three sips of it max. I also burnt my tongue, and for what… NADA.

I suppose I should try to learn how to be a morning person because for the next month and a half I will be traveling nearly every weekend. I am so excited to travel to places like Morocco, Spain, France and Switzerland but I am very much less than excited to wake up at the crack of dawn.

Well, I’m off to try and nap on this two hour flight back to Italy. Stay posted for a blog about my amazing trip to Ireland, one of my new favorite countries!

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